INDUGROUT-GP is a ready-to-use general purpose high strength, non-shrink, cementitious grout which only requires the addition of water to produce a non-shrink flowable mortar. INDUGROUT-GP contains a blend of selected Portland cements, special aggregates, modifiers and shrinkage compensating materials that work during both the plastic & post hardened states. INDUGROUT-GP is designed for application by pouring or pumping in thicknesses between 10 mm & 80 mm.
INDUGROUT-GP does not release any gases INDUGROUT-GP does not release any gases
INDUGROUT-GP is typically used for
- Grouting anchor bolts.
- Grouting bridge bearings.
- Grouting of structural elements such as precast wall, beams, columns, etc.
- Grouting anchor bolts, crane rails and milling machines.
- Structural concrete repairs.
- Grouting of generators & turbines.
- Heavy stanchion bases and base plates of Compressive Strength reciprocating machines.
- Easy to mix and apply.
- Designed for hot weather applications.
- Non-oxidized, non-shrink.
- Does not contain gas releasing agents.
- Resistant to water and water-borne salts.
- Adjustable consistency.
- High mechanical properties. Modulus of Elasticity:
- Low permeability extends durability & service life.
- High early and ultimate strengths. expansion:
- Chloride-free, nitrate-free & non-toxic.
- Excellent bond to concrete and steel.
- Excellent heat resistance.
- Can be applied in a single layer at a thickness of up to 80 mm.
- Appearance (mixed): Free flow grey powder
- Expansion Behaviour: Expansion occurs in the hardened state only +0.01%
- Mixing water (litres): Flowable- 3.5 Fluid- 3.75
- Yield/bag (litres): Flowable- 12.5 Fluid- 13
- Mixture density (kg/I) at +20 °C: Flowable- 2.3 Fluid- 2.2
- Setting times (influenced by ambient temperatures):
Initial 3-4 hrs
Final 5-6 hrs - Flow: CRD C-cone 2 mint
- (flowable consistency): Nil
- Chloride content (%): No expansion during the plastic state.
- Expansion at 28 days Compressive Strength (N/mm2):
- Flowable Fluid
- at 24 hours: 24 15
- at 7 days: 47 55
- at 28 days: 49 70
- Flexural Strength (N/mm2):
- Flowable Fluid
- at 24 hours: 10 8
- at 3 days: 11 9
- at 28 days: 14 13
- Modulus of Elasticity: > 3300 MPa
- Coefficient of thermal expansion: 1O x 106 mm/mm/C°
Surface Preparation:
All surfaces must be sound, clean and free from dust, grease, oils, curing compounds, mould release agents or other adhesion inhibiting materials. Remove all surface laitance and maintain a surface profile between CSP | & CSP 5 as described by the International Concrete Repair Institute (ICRI). Thoroughly saturate all mineral substrates and remove standing/surface water prior to application of INDUGROUT-GP. Steel reinforcement must be grit blasted to SA 2&2 (white clean metal] and immediately primed with INDUBOND-VK4032-ACI or INDUCRET-BIS-O/2 before new rust/scale is formed.
Always use water tight and smooth surfaced shuttering. Use rubber stripes or appropriate sealant between the formwork and the host concrete. Maintain a maximum unrestrained (exposed) gap between the formwork and base plate edge of: 25 mm on inspection sides.
7O mm on pouring side.
Place the exact amount of water in a clean vessel and gradually add the contents of the bag while mixing with an electric drill (maximum 450 rpm) attached with the appropriate mixing paddle. Continue mixing until a homogenous, lump-tree consistency is achieved. An appropriate grout mixer is recommended for large volume grout pours. DO NOT mix more than what you can consume within 45 minutes at +25 °C. DO NOT RE-TEMPER grout to restore workability.
Grouts that have lost workability must not be used.