INDUCRET–SC10 is a ready-to-use single component, fast-setting, high-performance, highstrength, cement-based, fibre-reinforced, nonshrink, dry process shotcrete mortar. INDUCRET–SC10 is formulated to provide a durable structural shotcrete repair mortar with high early strength, reduced rebound with a high build thickness without sagging. INDUCRET-SC10 contains selected hydraulic binders, silica fume, accelerating admixtures, alkali-resistant polypropylene fibre, shrinkage compensating additive and well-graded quartz sands.
ASOCRET-RN is a mortar for repairs and producing coved fillets. It is used as an anti-sag smoothing mortar for repairing voids and cavities in concrete and pre-cast concrete walls and ceilings. For producing coved fillets as well as renders up to 20 mm thick in one coat. For repairing steps, concrete walls etc.
ASOCRET-M30 is a repair and levelling mortar up to 30 mm for wall and floor areas. ASOCRET-M30 is used for repairing and levelling of damage and voids in wall and floor areas up to a thickness of 30 mm in one application. It is also suitable for producing mineral-based fillets, water impermeable render coats with negative waterproofing (barrier render) from 10 mm thickness. Furthermore, ASOCRET-M30 can be used to level pool tank walls as well as for shaping other wall and floor areas up to 30 mm such as for example pool edge details or similar in swimming pool applications.